The Forum for Migration and Communications (FOMACS) is a three-year media-driven programme producing print, photographic, broadcast and interactive stories on the topic of immigration and integration, with the aim of reaching and engaging diverse audiences and constituencies.
Our vision is of an Ireland where the public/private image and knowledge of the immigrant constituency is no longer shaped by ‘suspicion’, ‘fear’ or ‘resentment’, but by an informed and rich understanding of the historical and social realities that have led people to migrate (whether migrant workers and their families, refugees and their families and asylum seekers and their families). It is an Ireland where social integration is symbolised by a respect for cultural and ethnic difference, where immigrants participate fully in civic, political, cultural and economic life with full rights and entitlements
FOMACS’ mission is to generate a series of media-led projects, creating accessible, challenging and innovative representations of the changing demography of contemporary Ireland. Highlighting personal/collective stories under the themes of ‘Family Reunification’ and ‘Irregular/Undocumented’ migration – in schools, workplaces, in the family home – FOMACS offers an evidence-based and human-interest angle to the everyday life of migrants.
Our central objective is to amplify immigrant voices and perspectives previously absent, sensationalised or marginalised in dominant media representations. FOMACS builds on initiatives where media production not only provides the foundation and critical glue for social justice campaigns, but is further framed by a community outreach approach.
FOMACS brings immigrant and non-immigrant media producers, NGO service providers/community activists and social and policy researchers into an innovative and collaborative working framework. One of our aims is to design and maintain a ‘living archive’ of the present moment, making digitally accessible the ongoing work of FOMACS to a diverse set of constituencies and interested publics.
FOMACS is located at the Dublin Institute of Technology, Ground Floor Java City, Dublin 2, Ireland. For enquiries please email: info.fomacs(at)