Musicians in Focus has rapidly established a reputation for providing knowledgeable and reliable information and support for visually impaired music students and professionals. As well as advising individuals, many schools, colleges and universities have been supported with suggestions for making their courses more accessible. Advice is given on teaching methods, curriculum development and access to examinations. Invitations to participate in research projects with other organisations, including the Royal College of Music, City University and the University of Hertfordshire, have only served to confirm the position that Musicians in Focus has established as a leading consultant in its field. Musicians in Focus is committed to providing a central point of contact for the exchange and dissemination of information, liaising with the music industry in the research and development of new technology. Developments in voice synthesis and magnification software have brought music technology within reach of the visually impaired. This exciting progress will enable visually impaired musicians to continue working or build a career, creating new opportunities for themselves and for musicians of the future.