Young Cypriot filmmakers begin cinematic adventure On 29 March Action for Cooperation and Trust announced the finalists from the Young Filmmakers competition.

The island-wide competition called upon young Cypriots between the ages of 18-30 to send in their ideas for a short film about anything that is important to young people including individual or social issues. The selection panel made up of film critics, youth representatives and educators had the challenging task of judging the entries.

The selected ideas cover a range of topics/issues such as: • The economy of both communities in Cyprus • Young people’s relationship with their grandparents • The history of village café’s • Identity • Friendship • Death • Cancer • War and Peace • Environment • Disabilities • Ethnic diversity

A total of 28 young Cypriots have now completed a training program covering the following topics: Story Development, Production Management, Lighting, Camera Operating, Sound, Logistics and Editing. Under the guidance of professionals, these successful finalists will now be provided with equipment and technical support to make their films.

A film festival will be the highlight of the project, during which the finalists’ films will be shown to the public and renowned commentators in the world of the arts and cinema. Prizes will be awarded to the top three films, and a Participation Award will also be given to the finalist with the highest level of participation.

Pembe Mentesh Programme Analyst UNDP Action for Cooperation & Trust P.O Box 21642,1590 Nicosia, Cyprus Tel: +357 22 874777 or +90392 601 4778/9 Fax: +357 22 359066 www.undp-act.org

Calling all Budding Filmmakers! Today Action for Cooperation and Trust announced an exciting public competition as part of its Young Filmmakers initiative.

The competition is the first phase of the Young Filmmakers Project and is now open for young Cypriots between the ages of 18-30 to send in their great ideas for a short film. The ideas can be about anything that is important to young people and can include individual or social issues. The entries will then be judged by a selection panel made up of film critics, youth representatives and young educators.

Phase two of the project will see the young finalists making their short films. Under the guidance of professionals, successful finalists will be provided with training, equipment and technical support. Up to 20 finalists will be selected from across Cyprus and finalists will work together in teams to make their films.

“This project seeks to combine youthful energy with the profound power of the film medium,” said Jaco Cilliers, UNDP-ACT Programme Manager. “It will aim to stimulate an innovative social commentary on the issues which affect modern Cypriot youth and society at large. It aims to give Cypriot youth a voice and empower them to express themselves through film”.

As part of this, the project also seeks to tackle indifference and promote civic engagement amongst Cypriot youth. Recent studies conducted show an increasing divide between youth in the two communities. The proportion of young people willing to live together or co-exist with people from the other community is, unfortunately, decreasing. This trend highlights the need for more opportunities for young people from across the island to meet each other and work together. Increased contact can assist in breaking down stereotypes, prejudices and pre-conceived notions of “the other”.

Phase three of the project - a bi-communal film festival will be the highlight of the project, during which the finalists' films will be shown to the public and renowned commentators in the world of the arts and journalism.

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