Workshop je určen zejména pro filmaře, hudebníky a webové nadšence, kteří se chtějí naučit, jak zpřístupnit svou práci online. Workshop představí nástroje, technologie a dostupné služby pro šifrování, uploadování a sdílení filmů, podcastů a video blogů na internetu, pomocí bezplatného a open source softwaru, např. Broadcast Machine (RSS feed, Miro Player, iTunes Vodcast). Účastníci se seznámí s využitím x.264 technologie (přenosné video zařízení, iPod, sony PSP, Archos atd.), a naučí se zakódovat a připravit vlastní filmy za použití šifrovacích nástrojů, které si budou moci stáhnout a vzít domů.
Ukázky a notebook:
Účastníci si na workshop musí přinést ukázky své práce (video ve formátu .avi nebo .mov, zvuk ve formátu .mp3) a vlastní notebook.
Software / Hardware requirements
Workshop time plan
The workshop is 4 hours long
session 1
Vienna08NotesSession1 InternetDistribution NotesSession1 (50 min.)
film [ copyright criminals] (10 min.) download [ here]
Introduction [ Berlin Symphony of a city] on under Public Domain -
collaborative filmmaking [ Open Source Cinema] & [ Deptford.TV ] (10 min.)
[ TaGrTV casestudy]
prepare streaming: fast start
- Introduction participants, webpages of participants? (10 min.)
File Sharing (10 min. & 10 min. Q&A) show clip from Jamie &, see also
show clip from StealThisFilm (5 min.)
[ Radiohead: 1.2 m downloads = $9.6m Cash] “According to analysis made by the Daily Swarm, Radiohead’s In Rainbow has sold at the equivalent price of$8 a CD worldwide. In just three days it has sold 1.2 million downloads and made up to $9.6m.”
"2005 is the year that internet downloads became a viable distribution mechanism, mainly through BitTorrent, a cunning peer-to-peer mechanism for making large films available without incurring large bandwith costs. People have already started downloading movies in earnest and the phenomenon is growing so rapidly that BitTorrent now accounts for one third of all traffic on the internet. Bigger hard drives and faster net connections are driving this trend."
The BitTorrent world contains both licenced and pirated content. Azureus, which can be used for downloading all sorts of content, is one of the most popular BitTorrent clients, supported by an Open Source community that has contributed to plenty of add-ons. BitTorrent has also become a commercial distribution system for pay-per-view content. We can see this as an advange for smaller video producers in that even if you are distributing your video content for free you can charge for a film.
"The easiest way to do so is to ask for an online payment on your website before directing users to where they can download the BitTorrent file" (Simon Tzu in DIY distribution, "Get your Documentary funded" from [WWW]
example: the trap, download [ from google video] Curtis himself was in favour of internet "distribution" of The Power of Nightmares at the time when it was unavailable on DVD, he's had problems with getting proper releases out so he's happy for people to see them any way possible.
mention cbc as case study in vienna why not to use YouTube
other case study artist share with film blast director Paul Devlin
get your mailinglist!
session 2
Vienna08NotesSession2 NotesSession2 (50 min.)
- play clip FUD
play clip [ trusted computing], download [ here]
[ unconference style discussion?] for 30 min. ([ unconferencing book]) three groups:
- collaborative/collective production methods as writen in the mag (is there a copy around?) like open source cinema /
looking into distribution platforms, see last docs & discussion on d-word, how to use docair at the festival, should we write a documentation for docair page on converge? [ d-word discsussion on alternative distribution plattforms]
start with Hands On [ converge manual]
- report back to the group (10 min.)
30 min. BREAK
NotesSession3 90 min. Hands On [ converge manual]
References / links
- things to download
[ dyne bolic LINUX distro]
[ pure dyne LINUX distro]
[ MPEG streamclip]
- relevant organisations
[ DocuInter]
[ dokument-festival]
[ Transmission Network]
[ Participatory Foundation]
- further reading / sources of information
[ FLOSS manuals]
[ Video Distribution]
[ Deptford.TV diaries]
[ Deptford.TV diaries cover]
[ converge online video]
[ converge online video cover]
[ The Future of Docs]
- relevant links
[ the Internet Archive]
[ Wordpress blogging plattform]
[ Steal this Film]
[ The Art of Collaborative Law]
[ vortex festival]
[ beyond tv festival]
[ FLOSS flash]
[ Open Source Cinema]
[ Comcast blogs internet traffic]
[ TV-links down]
Current Documentation Resources
[ Make Internet TV]
[ NGO in a box]
[ FLOSS manuals]
[ converge project]
[ video help]
[ engagemedia]
[ digital video distribution]
[ access space]
[ Video Distribution]
note: Youtube modified their links to prevent videodownloader and number of other utilities from downloading files.